‘To Get A Blessing, You Have To Be One’: Keith Lee Gives Back To His Community With New Pizza Hut Partnership

Pizza Hut

Keith Lee is known as a viral food enthusiast and critic. However, he’s also a proud family man rooted in faith. His recent partnership with Pizza Hut doesn’t surprise his loyal fans, as they know how much he enjoys their food, given that it’s been there through big moments in their lives, like after the birth of one of his children. “Right after Ronni (his wife) gave birth to our first daughter, Pizza Hut was right by our house. She used to go to Pizza Hut, I would say like, once every other week. Fast forward to today. We have been traveling a lot, but we also go to Pizza Hut when we get home. It’s an extremely reliable place and is certainly very near and dear to us as a family,” Lee tells ESSENCE. 

Today, Pizza Hut and Lee are thrilled to announce FamiLEE Community Pizza; as part of the brand’s $12ANY campaign, the FamiLEE Community Pizza promises to redefine the pizza experience with its unique blend of flavors and community spirit. Uniquely crafted by Lee and featuring his family’s favorite toppings, pepperoni, and bacon on the hand-tossed crust, the FamiLEE Community Pizza offers fun and savory combinations. When it comes to pizza preferences, not every famiLEE has the same pizza cravings, so as part of the promotion, the brand is offering the $12ANY promotion alongside the famiLEE pizza that allows each famiLEE to customize their toppings and crust to meet their needs at an affordable price.

Additionally, as part of this partnership, Pizza Hut and Lee will donate $50,000 to Southfield ANT and OakHills High Schools, where he and his wife Ronni attended high school, to reflect Lee’s dedication to education and community service. For Lee, the partnership was a no-brainer. “I’m an intentional person, especially when it comes to partnerships. So when we were down in Dallas and we met with the team, not only did it feel like the right thing to do, but we were all on the same page about what it is that we’re doing as far as giving back to schools and kids and doing something for the adults in our community, plus my family loves pizza,” he stated. 

Pizza Hut also greatly believes in Lee’s power to harness and cultivate through his food review videos on social media. 

“Keith Lee is a creator who has really been shaping the food industry and one I have been an avid follower of for a long time,” said Lindsay Morgan, CMO at Pizza Hut. “His TikTok reviews are authentic, and he celebrates community and family. We felt his personal brand was a perfect fit for Pizza Hut, so together we created the FamiLEE Community Pizza so guests can try Keith’s recipe and be a part of giving back to his community.”

The concept of the partnership is centered on fellowship and community, as Lee and Pizza Hut are not only donating money to two high schools but also curating long-lasting memories by giving back to children by doing a pizza party for schools Lee and his wife attended, and his broader family for generations. “The school we’re giving back to is one my mom, brother, and sister attended. So it’s like a family generational school. It’s been in our generation since the 1970s, which means a lot to me and my family.  I wasn’t the best student by a long shot, so to be able to be blessed enough to go to an environment where I left kind of hopeless, to go back, and interact with children who are in the same position that I was in, is a blessing,” he shared. 

His community has grounded him to become a blessing to others while remaining extremely humble. “I don’t view myself as a celebrity, an influencer, or anybody different from anybody else. I’m just Keith. To get a blessing, you have to be a blessing. I pour out what I pour into the universe and to the people around me in the exact way I wouldn’t want somebody to pour into me. I feel like if you treat people the way you want to be treated, everything happens the way it is supposed to,” he stated. “I think everything is connected, especially food. Food brings my family together because we share the deepest moments while eating. So for me, food and family are one just like faith and family are one.”

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