This Month Is All About Acting Brand New: Your October Horoscope Is Here


Life has been going so smoothly; it’s almost as if you’ve been floating. You might feel the power of Venus officially leaving retrograde on October 7, in the sign of Leo. The previous planetary position had you stuck in unwanted emotions while it seemed like others were experiencing their best selves. This month’s release of energy will prepare you for the new moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, followed by another full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28. A new life is waiting for you!


(September 22 to October 22)

You and your significant other are entering a new era of togetherness, and you want to make this relationship work. Spend intimate time exploring alternative aspects of each other. Learning your partner’s love language is the best way to discover how to keep the spark alive.


(December 22 to January 19)

We know you’ve been enamored before, but you’ve never been in love quite like this! Welcome to a new age of passion and -confidence that you seem to have happened upon effortlessly. You sometimes find yourself in awe of the growth that you’ve experienced these past couple of months. This year has been so kind to you. Keep enjoying it!


(January 20 to February 18)

It’s about time to pick up the pieces of your life. To paraphrase the famous poem, you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. If you want things to change, it is really up to you to turn your journey into a -success story. Focus on what your mind can learn, and worry less about your appearance.


(February 19 to March 20)

Somebody tell Alexa to play “Can’t Tell Me Nothing,” by Kanye West. Life tried to break you, but you kept fighting against all odds like the winner you are. Now that you’re well into your victory lap, feel free to “let the champagne splash.” You can keep the marathon going by continuing to dream big—and watch life amaze you.


(March 21 to April 19)

Old feelings that you have been suppressing are resurfacing now. It’s okay to talk about the things that bother you because expressing yourself shows more strength than remaining silent. Let your tribe help you heal some of those wounds you’ve kept hidden.


(April 20 to May 20)

Someone has been looking at you longingly from afar, wanting to love you properly. You have been so focused on your career that a romantic attachment has been the last thing on your mind. That relationship could become one of your greatest assets if you allow yourself to connect with an open heart.


(May 21 to June 21)

Spending quality time with your family and friends has given you a new perspective on living. Inner peace is the number-one goal for you this year. That serenity starts with appreciating and loving the things that make your life special.


(June 22 to July 21)

Have you been spending too freely lately? Amazon knows your address too well! It’s time to crack open that budget planner and see where the majority of your money has been going. Enrolling in some financial-literacy classes can provide you with ideas on how to make your dollars work for you.


(July 22 to August 22)

With the holidays just around the corner, you have been keeping an eye out for those Black Friday sales to score great discounts. See what the world has to offer via some of the hot products that were released this year. They might spark some likewise new and exciting creative interests—and that’s just what you need.


(August 23 to September 21)

These past few months, you have been questioning the expression of passion, affection and commitment—and trying to discover your own love language. Emotions can be difficult for you to navigate, but journaling may help clear some of the doubts that have been plaguing you.


(October 23 to November 21)

This month, dance until your feet hurt! You have been missing those fun, carefree nights with your pals. Call up your close friends and family, and let them know you need to throw the party of the century. Good times don’t just happen—they have to be planned! Remember to focus on who and what loves you back.


(November 22 to December 21)

True love fills you up like good grub, but bad love drains you like a tub. Your tribe has been your backbone during the transitional period you have been struggling through. Fortunately, you are realizing that a romantic liaison does not have to come with hard lessons. When you start to exude affection, you will start to attract abundance.

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