Journaling Prompts To Boost Your Confidence

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Confidence is a muscle that must be exercised. The things that once made us feel confident when we were younger may not make us feel secure today. We are forever changing and evolving, and while that is a good thing, it can also come with a new set of insecurities.

That said, journaling prompts are an excellent way for us to learn more about our insecurities when they come up and how we can uplift ourselves moving forward. They can help us pinpoint moments in our lives that had more of an impact on us than we thought– getting to the root of what might be weighing us down. 

Denise Francis, author of the Soul Study Journal, knows all too well how life can impact our self-esteem. As a child, she witnessed a family dispute that caused her years of anxiety. After having an awakening in her psychology class, Francis took matters into her own hands by choosing to heal. Her self-love journey has led her to write her journal prompt book with over 100 self-guided therapy journal techniques for healing and self-love– giving us the confidence to move forward despite life’s upsets. 

“Journaling has allowed me to trust my inner dialogue because I can explore my thoughts and emotions,” says Francis. Learning more about ourselves can make us less likely to seek external validation, and leaving us ready to live in our truth. A study published by the National Library of Medicine found patients consistently experienced increased well-being and mental resilience after the first or second month of journaling. Francis agrees. “I feel more confident because I already talked it over with myself. I’m also able to look at past entries and see my growth. Seeing growth is the catalyst to self-confidence.” 

To inspire your self-love and confidence journey, below, Francis shares journaling prompts just in time to enter the month of love with. 

  • Why did you start your Self Love Journey? What are you ready to heal?
  • An insecurity you are struggling with right now. 
  • Where do your negative thoughts come from? Do you believe these thoughts are true? 
  • What is your relationship like with trust? Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your decisions and intuitions? 
  • What do you tend to give your Self-Worth to? Is it your academics, finances, relationships, careers, appearance, etc?
  • Something you’ve learned to love about yourself on this journey.
  • Create a bucket list that embodies your core values. 
  • Something you are ready to accept. 
  • Where do you find peace? 
  • Something you are no longer apologizing for. 

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