Marjorie Taylor Greene Equated People Calling Her A White Supremacist To The N-Word

On Thursday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said being called a white supremacist was equal to Black people being called the n-word. This comes a day after a heated exchange with Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who reportedly called her a white supremacist during their interaction.

“That is like calling a person of color the n-word, which should never happen,” she said, adding “calling me a white supremacist is equal to that.”

To note, Greene spoke at a white nationalist gathering in February 2022 in Florida.

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Greene also invoked fearing for her personal safety. “His physical mannerisms are aggressive,” she said. “I am concerned about it—I feel threatened by him.”

When Bowman heard about Greene’s over-reactionary comments, he cited her remarks as being “incredibly dangerous and incredibly reckless,” stating “Unfortunately, this country has a history of characterizing Black men who are outspoken, who stand their ground and who push back as being threatening or intimidating.”

“She’s not even using a dog-whistle. She’s using a bullhorn to put a target on my back,” said Bowman.

As Bowman told Newsweek, “This is why it is so important that we teach and know our history.” “There is a long tradition—that Marjorie should be well aware of—of Black men who are passionate, outspoken or who stand their ground being characterized as ‘threatening’ or ‘intimidating.’ That’s what happened with Emmett Till, with Mike Brown and with so many more,” continued Bowman.

Greene is also being dragged on Twitter, with one user saying “This is exactly something a white supremacist would say.”

Another user chimed in, “Marjorie Taylor Greene wants the world to see her as accomplice to murder Carolyn Bryant Donham and Jamaal Bowman as Emmett Till. Shades of Mississippi, 1955. Not letting her get away with this grotesque showboating. She must be called out, shamed, and punished.”

Greene also announced at the same press conference where she equated white supremacy to the n-word, “that she had filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden; the US attorney general, Merrick Garland; the secretary of homeland security, Alejandro Mayorkas; Christopher Wray, the director of the FBI; and Matthew Graves, US attorney for the District of Columbia.”

This isn’t the first time Greene has made incendiary comments, having previously called Rep. Nancy Pelosi “a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason…And it’s, uh, it’s a crime punishable by death is what treason is. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason.”

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