Data Analyst in New Jersey — Money Diary

Occupation: Data Analyst
Industry: Medical Research
Age: 34
Location: New Jersey
Salary: $65,000
Net Worth: -$54,500 (~$11,000 in savings, ~$5,500 in checking, ~$500 in retirement minus debt).
Debt: ~$65,000 in federal education loans, ~$2,000 in private education loans, ~$4,500 in credit card debt.
Paycheck Amount (biweekly): $1,786.44
Pronouns: She/they

Monthly Expenses
Rent: $0 (live with parents).
Student Loans: $183 (federal loans are on pause).
Credit Card Debt: $450
Utilities: $0 (parents).
Car Payment/Insurance: $0 (use my mother’s old car, on my parents’ policy).
Phone/Internet: $0 (family plan).
Medical/Vision/Dental: ~$163
Prescriptions: $43.95
Retirement: ~$217
Hulu: $7.99 (everything else I get from relatives and friends).
Spotify: $10.65
Final Fantasy 14 (MMORPG): $12.99
Art Class: $160
Savings: $1,625

Annual Expenses
Dropbox: $119.88
Web Domain: $155.88
Art School Registration: $140

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