5 Ways To Be Less Wasteful For Earth Day


Earth Day is on April 22nd this year! Since 1970, the world has acknowledged Earth Day to celebrate the land we live on; it also serves as a reminder to take care of it. To preserve our earth, people are considering adopting a zero-waste lifestyle to reduce their carbon footprint and climate change. One of the ways to be less wasteful is to recycle, reduce the amount of single-use plastics, and instead create a stockpile of sustainable resources such as glass containers, reusable bags, and leveraging garbage disposals. 

While wastefulness takes a toll on the health of the earth and the people living on the planet, there are opportunities to take action against pollution for Earth Day, like incorporating the three R’s reduce, reuse, recycle. Check out our tips for being less wasteful for Earth Day this year and beyond. 

Think about bringing your bags to grocery stores and markets. Carrying your reusable totes limits the amount of plastic and bags needed.

Walk, Bicycle, or Take Public Transportation

We all know the rising costs of gas. Think about taking public transportation, walking, or biking instead; it’ll lower your carbon footprint and save you money. 

Shop For Used Items

Instead of shopping for a new wardrobe or furniture set, incorporate second-hand clothing and decor items.


This tip might seem like a no-brainer, but recycling is vital to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators. Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals. It prevents pollution and reduces greenhouse gases by reducing the need to mine and process new raw materials. 

Save Energy At Home

Be intentional with how much energy you use around your house. Make a habit of turning off the lights, replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescents and turn the A/C down or off, clean filters regularly, and use a fan to keep cool.

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